

Sunday, October 31, 2010

whats a Kanegon?


Kanegon ( カネゴン ), one of the most popular  kaiju from the vintage 1966's tokusatsu TV series Ultra Q ( ウルトラQ ) Kanegon appeared in Episodes #15 Kanegon's Cocoon. Here's a standard sized 9" Yamanaya Kaiju Box Kanegon Vinyl figure.
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The story is bizarre and surreal with some good lessons in life. A giant monster who has large clam-shaped purse head with zippered mouth and loves to eat coins. Kanegon stands 2 meters in height and weighs 200kgs, this monster didn't become a giant and smashed cities.
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The story revolves a small boy who doesn't save money, oneday wakes up as Kanegon and has to eat coins to survive. Making him more thrifty after the ordeal. Though he assume everything was ok, he then realised his parents also became kanegons....
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Kanegon's not the coolest monster around but he's easily the most iconic and famous monster in Japan tokusatsu history.

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