Appearing from Ultraseven series Episodes #48 & #49..
The twin headed bird monster named Pandon パンドン.
A hyperhobby magazine mailaway, made by Yamanaya KaijuBox, this standard sized 9" Cyber Pandon holds the eye slugger on his right hand.
Yamanaya also released a Normal Pandon and a Ultraseven without the eyeslugger attached.
Design was kinda lingering in my mind, 2 beaks, 1 head
and lotsa horns to boot ( yep insert your horny jokes here )
In the episode, Pandon was a powerful opponent giving
Ultraseven a tough time. One of the few monster who disarmed Ultrasevens Eye Slugger from him.
The TDF squad used their planes and distracted Pandon,
allowing the Ultraseven to retrieve the Eye Slugger and use his boomerang attack
slicing off Pandon's left arm and right leg.
In episode #49, the Ghost Seijins repaired and modified Pandon and deployed him once again.
The result was much the same, Pandon pummeling Ultraseven until TDF once again came to his aid.
Ultraseven tried his Eye Slugger again but Pandon managed to catch it and tried to use it against him
Ultraseven however controlled the eye slugger back to send it back and simultaneously decapitate Pandon's head, killing him and yes, sometimes 2 heads is not better than
nice review! have you manage a good price for the pandon? I bought lately for about 2000 yenn. new in bag