

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Electrical Monster

Ultraman Episode #3 "Science Patrol moves out."
Hiding underneath an old well, Neronga awoke when two friends of the Science Patrol ran into his eye. Bellowing in hunger, the invisable monster emerged form underground, and headed for a nearby power plant to drain the energy. Soon, the Science Patrol is called in to locate the monster. On arrival, Neronga was found attacking a transition station, feeding on more electric energy.
As it fed, it became visable, and the Science Patrol began to open fire with their lasers, only angering the beast, who struck back with a beam of electricity. The crew survived, but Nergona escaped, looking for more energy. But the Science Patrol predicted were he would strike next, and attacked once more, forcing the monster to become visable. The monster was seemingly destroyed, but soon, Neronga emerged from a hill with a huge ship in hand and tossed it to the ground, and then opens fire with his electric beam.
Neronga soon destroys the entire plant, but one of the Science Patrol members manage to blow out one of Neronga's eyes. Hayata then uses the Beat Capsule, and becomes Ultraman. Ultraman manhandles the beast, beating him like crazy, but Neronga still fought back. Before long, Ultraman tossed the monster into the air, and finished it with the Specium Ray.

Heres another classic ultra kaiju from Bullmark, B club 9 inch Neronga, remolded from the UltraQ Pagos and Ultrakaiju Gabora body. The original was brown, shown here is a orange version, I kinda like this colour too.

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