

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Power Rangers Samurai Lightzord

After 4 months of the release of the Samurai Lightzord in the states, we down here in Singapore finally get to purchase them. For Japan released toys, we sure get them fast but Bandai America products, it sure takes awhile.
Anyways, finally picked up the Power Rangers Samurai Lightzord.

The packaging is not much different from the othe mini zord vehicles. Blister packed with Power Ranger pics and logos all over.

I just love the light Kanji on the side.

First up, the Lightzord is really small but has enough details to not be a total let down. The robot is not too shabby. The lightzord transforms into it's lantern mode and also the BoA spider mode which never appeared in the show,  I don't really get what they were thinking when made it transform into a spider, well, at least there's slightly more transformations.

Well, at least for me, I display him in lantern mode with Gigazord most of the time. The lightzord is another affordable alternative to it's Japanese counterpart Daigouyo.  The lightzord is nice addition for the other Power Rangers Samurai toys and a good for display with playibilty and enough functionality to be a stand alone toy.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Justirisers Mecha comparison pics

Star Beast Inoh wingspan is roughly 10 inches wide.  
Star Beast Ranga with 12 inch Shogun Battlized Red Ranger for comparison.

Star Beast Kouki with Power Rangers 4 inch Super Red Ranger figure.

JustiKaiser with 12 inch Battlized Shogun Red ranger.

JustiKaiser next to a Transformers 2010 Unicron.     

Random Ken-Riser pic.                                                 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Konami Justiriser DX Star Beast Ryuto R07

The final mech from the series, the two headed robotic dragon, Star Beast Ryuto, which I missed out at the clearance sales awhile back. Still manage to get a hold on one via the ever popular ebay.
Still the same box style but for Ryuto, the box was alot fatter maybe due to the fact that this figure is huge.

Star Beast Ryuto is quite a big figure, the wings and the heads very much reminds me of mecha Ghidorah from a certain Godzilla movie. The articulation is not to shabby too, Ryuto has 3 swivels on each head, ratcheted upper legs and foldable wings.
The only problems, I had with Ryuto is when it's dragon mode, the tail and the feet can't seem to be flush to ground making a awkward gap when standing.
And being primary casted in white coloured plastic, Ryuto will definitely turn yellow in time.

Star Beast Ryuto also has a compatiblity with Riseross. They combine to form dragon-like robot called Justi-Kaiser. This has to be the best combination this line has to offer.

Justi-Kaiser when combined is always 14 inches tall, the legs transforms which adds more height and also makes the existing knee joints more usable. Riseross' legs forms Justi-Kaisers arms with huge claws and the head sculpt has a Gaogaigar-ish King Jder resemblance. All in all, this is a great figure to have, good size, not too simple transformation and excellent display piece, for any Power ranger or sentai collector, this may be a good piece to have in your collection.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Konami Genseishin DX Star Beast Ranga R05

Here's part 2 of the Justiriser Genseishin mecha series, Riser Kageri's seishinju Ranga which is a huge blue ninja-ish flying cat. Easily my fave of the set and also due to fact that Kageri is one hot babe. Ok enough of the nonsense, here's the box and all it's glory.
Much similar in design as Genseishin DX boxed set, same thin cardboard with a nice picture depicting the Star beast.  

Star Beast Ranga is quite nicely detailed figure, cast in navy blue with white highlights, real nice colour combination. Measuring almost 6 inches long from head to tail, much bigger then I actually imagined it to be. With heavy ratchets on all of its upper legs and swiveled tail, knees and individual joints on each ankle. The only nitpick I had is the location of the front legs are kinda positioned too back for my liking.

And just like the other Star beasts, Ranga combines with Riseross to form Rin-Riser.

Forming the upper torso much similar to Ken-Riser, retains Riseross' lower body and legs articulation, Rin-Riser has ratcheted shoulders, elbows and swivelled wrist joints, the cons is that Rin-Risers shoulders has no outward articulation but still able to do the signature howling burst and typhoon slice poses easily.

Star Beast Ranga as a stand alone figure is definitely not worth anything even with it being on mega clearance sale price, the true joy has to be the compatibility with Riseross. If you have the chance to get the boxed set, Star beast Ranga is a must get.

Stay tuned for one more Star beast to round up the set.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Konami Justirisers DX Genseishin box Set R03

Hey folks, welcome again, this time we go back in time for a review on the Tokusatsu series Justirisers Mechas released in late 2004. Got them while they were having clearance sales awhile back, couldn't find Ryuto back then but recently just found a real good deal on the star beast on ebay.
So now they are finally complete and I have some free time to post them up.

First up, I have to say is that the boxes are huge, the figures are quite large compared to other Sentai or Power Ranger toys. I will post some comparison shots later but first up is the Star Beast Deluxe Boxed set.

Here's the boxed set of 3 of the main mechas used in most of the episodes in the show. The box measures 13 inches long and 7 inches wide. The box is the usual thin cardboard with portrait pictures of the figures on the front and a landscape picture on back. Figures were packed in white trays much similar to the Gransazer Mechas.

First up is Genseiju Riseross, the main primary mech that combines with any other of the individual Justiriser mechas to form the main body. Riseross had an uncanny resemblance to Kiryu or most of us know as the Neo Mecha Godzilla. Riseross has tonnes of articlulation, ball-jointed head-neck joint, swivel arms and elbows, ratcheted hips and knees.
Included in this box set is 2 more mechas.

Riser Glen's Star Beast Inoh which is flying Red phoenix.

Riser Gant's Star beast kouki is a heavy artillery flying turtle.

Enoh and Kouki can combine with Riseross to form power up versions. The bad news of the set is the mech can't fully combine to form 1 giant super mech. This kinda is a big turn off for some collectors but personally I'm quite alright with the show's design for the mechs.

Ken-Riser is form with the combinations of Enoh and Riseross.

Ken-Riser retains all of Risersoss' articluation on the lower body, Enoh forms the upper torso and has swivelled shoulders and elbow joints. The twin swordds ar stored on the wings of Enoh. Stands roughly 12 inches tall when combined, the cons about this mode, is that the figure is severely back heavy so posing this figure in any dynamic poses is quite hard.

Juu-Riser is formed with the combinations of Kouki and Riseross
Juu-riser uses a unique way of combining with Riseross. Riseross' legs forms Juu-risers arms while Kouki transforms into the head and lower legs. Still has basic articulation but slightly hindered by the transformations, the new shoulder joints are hindered by Riseross' existing skirt pieces but now forms Juu-Riser's claws which are poseable due to transformation.

All in all, the designs for the mech are good though not very original, unique transformations and the size of the mechas are a few good points to consider getting this set.